Friday, March 1, 2013

Is thirty the new twenty?

If so, it sure doesn't feel like it. Not that I'm complaining, but since turning 30, my life has changed in the most dramatic, grown up way possible. July 24th marked the first day of the rest of my life, literally. Since my birthday, I've gotten reacquainted with God (after 18 years of being ***gasp*** an atheist), I've gotten married and moved across town. I've settled quite nicely into my married, 30 year old, ultra adult life. The husband (Des) and I knew from the very beginning that we wanted children. We even have our childrens' names picked out. So we decided that we would try for our first baby right after we were married. Oh yes, the grown up part really begins.

So, after doing some extensive research, I found that it would be beneficial to start a prenatal regimen preconception. The way I figured (and after doing some research), I could give my future child the best start possible by getting all of the nutrients that we would need for a healthy pregnancy. I'm also Hebrew Pentecostal, which is basically a Messianic Jew (or Jews for Jesus as my one Jewish coworker so eloquently put it). So I have to be mindful of what I'm taking in considering that I cannot have pork or certain sea foods according to God's law. Although I hadn't had pork in years, the seafood part was a bit hard to give up. Oh the love of lobster! But I digress. The ingredients for my prenatal vitamins were very important. I needed something that was gelatin-free. I ended up getting GNC's Women's Prenatal Formula with Iron

 GNC Women's Prenatal Formula with Iron
You have to take two a day, so this is a 30 day supply. It's around 10 dollars and they are huge! I have enough trouble swallowing pills as it is, so that was definitely a challenge for me. I started last night after dinner. I took my two vitamins with a huge glass of SmartWater. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be since they are coated. My brain still told my throat to fight, though. But we were able to get them down. My husband and I also purchased those ovulation kits to track my ovulation days more accurately. I'm also using the Period Tracker app to track as well, so I can know when to test for ovulation.

This is an amazing journey for us and I look forward to sharing this with you. If you or someone you know is on the TTC road, please feel free to share. Lots and lots of babydust to you! :)